298 Results

TV Tentpoles & Programs

Feeding Frenzy: How Shark Week Viewers Engage With TV Ads

Feeding Frenzy: How Shark Week Viewers Engage With TV Ads

EDO Team July 10, 2023 3 min read
Upfronts Thought Leadership

Dispatches from the Upfronts – Day 3, a Finale

Dispatches from the Upfronts – Day 3, a Finale

Kevin Krim May 16, 2023 5 min read
EDO in the News

Netflix Partners With EDO to Deliver Outcomes Measurement for Advertisers

Netflix Partners With EDO to Deliver Outcomes Measurement for Advertisers

EDO Team May 17, 2023 2 min read
Research & Insights

What Americans Are Drinking This Memorial Day Weekend, as Told by TV Advertising

What Americans Are Drinking This Memorial Day Weekend, as Told by TV Advertising

Jackie Cavedon May 24, 2023 3 min read
Research & Insights

A Foundation of Success: From Ads to Action With TV Ads in the Beauty Industry

A Foundation of Success: From Ads to Action With TV Ads in the Beauty Industry

EDO Team May 25, 2023 6 min read
Research & Insights

Reality Bites: How Fast-Food Brands Are Winning with Reality TV Viewers

Reality Bites: How Fast-Food Brands Are Winning with Reality TV Viewers

EDO Team June 7, 2023 2 min read
Thought Leadership

3 Things TV Advertisers Need to Know About Father’s Day

3 Things TV Advertisers Need to Know About Father’s Day

EDO Team June 7, 2023 3 min read
Thought Leadership

Yes we Cannes. Power greater creativity with data.

Yes we Cannes. Power greater creativity with data.

Kevin Krim June 11, 2023 5 min read
EDO in the News

EDO Launches Creative Rotation Optimization™ to Increase In-Market ROI for TV Ad Campaigns 

EDO Launches Creative Rotation Optimization™ to Increase In-Market ROI for TV Ad Campaigns 

Jackie Cavedon June 13, 2023 2 min read
Research & Insights

Taylor Swift and Value-Based Messaging: How Credit Card Brands Drive TV Ad Performance

Taylor Swift and Value-Based Messaging: How Credit Card Brands Drive TV Ad Performance

EDO Team June 15, 2023 4 min read
EDO in the News

EDO and Nielsen Fuel Open Innovation Through Data Integration

EDO and Nielsen Fuel Open Innovation Through Data Integration

Jackie Cavedon June 19, 2023 3 min read
Research & Insights

Fur Will Fly: Inside the Alpha-Dog Brand Battle for Pet Food TV Ads

Fur Will Fly: Inside the Alpha-Dog Brand Battle for Pet Food TV Ads

EDO Team June 22, 2023 6 min read

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