
What Marketers Need to Know About the Future of TV Measurement

Written by EDO Team | August 14, 2023

EDO’s SVP of Client Solutions, Laura Grover, shares key insights at the VAB’s “The State of TV Measurement” executive round table.

The Video Advertising Bureau (VAB) recently held an engaging, informative roundtable on the future of TV measurement as part of its “The State of TV Measurement 2023” executive series.

EDO’s very own Laura Grover, SVP of Client Solutions, sat alongside GroupM’s Yee Pang, Director of Research & Measurement, and Mediaprobe’s Pedro Almeida, Founder & CEO — for  a spirited conversation on where things are going in TV measurement as viewers increasingly shift to streaming.

Watch a video of the entire conversation here, and you’ll find our key takeaways below.


TAKEAWAY #1. Marketers need granular streaming TV measurement and a holistic convergent TV measurement solution

As consumers increasingly flock to streaming TV, advertisers are looking for tools that enable them to target audiences based on real consumer behavior—for instance, a fast-food brand might want to reach viewers who frequently visit Burger King.

However, these new measurement tools can’t live in a streaming TV silo. Marketers must be able to get granular, timely, and holistic insights that enable them to understand performance across linear, streaming TV, and other channels.

TAKEAWAY #2. Outcomes matter—and Share of Search is a leading indicator

In an increasingly competitive advertising marketplace, attention and audiences are not enough for savvy marketers. Rather, they need to know whether their ads are actually driving outcomes that can be tied to business results.

Looking for an outcome-based metric to help you judge performance? We recommend Share of Search, which enables advertisers to take a daily read of how visible their brand is in organic search results as compared to their competitors. Studies have shown a strong correlation between Share of Search and market share.

TAKEAWAY #3. Syndicated data is crucial to understanding performance

We’ve often found that anonymized benchmarking doesn’t quite give our clients what they need to truly understand their advertising effectiveness.

If you find yourself in the same boat, we recommend using syndicated measurement, which enables you to compare your own performance not just against an aggregate industry benchmark, but also against individual competitors.

Want more insight into the future of TV measurement? We’d love to help.

At EDO, we’re committed to helping TV advertisers adapt to a changing landscape by equipping them with real-time, actionable engagement data that enables them to determine which parts of their media budget are really working. 

With this timely, granular information, our clients are able to adjust their creative messages, air times, and network investments for maximum performance—all while campaigns are mid-flight. For more information on how we can help you take your convergent TV strategy to the next level, schedule a meeting with us today.